Well, as it so frequently happens here in Philly, I'm driving home from work when I hit a mile-long backup on one of the only main thoroughfares in the area, Bustleton Avenue (or, as no one affectionately refers to it - Rt. 532). And, as is so frequently the case, the cause of this backup during the rush hour drive is none other than one of Philly's finest pulling over a guy who may have been speeding on his motorcycle or something. There the motorcycle rider stands, between his bike and the police cruiser, which are both blocking the entire right lane of traffic off into the horizon.
Could the cop have pulled him off the main road, perhaps into the nearest side street, or maybe into the nearby mini-mall lot or gas station on the corner? I'm thinking "yes." Should he have done so, instead of creating a completely unnecessary traffic tie-up and adding to the number of commuters already contemplating acts of road rage? Again, affirmative. The only reasons not to do so would be - what? I dunno - the sheer joy of the power trip, a lack of simple reasoning skills, or the complete absence of giving a shit would be my guess. How about it, officers - with all due respect to those who don't get paid nearly enough to deal with criminals and put themselves in harm's way - while you're busy "protecting" and "serving," do you think maybe you could exercise a smidgen of common sense and courtesy for the benefit of all of us law-abiding folks trying to shake off another day of toil and just get home to our families, take-out dinners, or tv sets, and PLEASE STOP BLOCKING TRAFFIC JUST TO HAND OUT FRIGGIN' TICKETS? Thank you.
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